
Tailwind v4 support

These components currently use Tailwind v3, so you'll have to use it until I migrate the components to v4.

1. Initialize your app

1.1 Next.js

npx create-next-app@15.1.7

Use 15.1.7 version instead of latest because that version creates project with v3 tailwind.

1.2 Other

Initialize your non nextjs app like you would normally do, just remember to install Tailwind v3 like it's shown in the docs.

2. Initialize shadcn

As explained in introduction, most of these components are based on Shadcn UI.

Visit shadcn docs to see how to initialize shadcn.

3. Add styling

Delete the existing styling from your project and add your desired styling to your tailwind config.

4. Install components

Choose the right variant

Remember to copy the right variant of your component, e.g. if you decided to use css variables in your project, copy the css variables variant of that component if it's available.

Install via Shadcn cli

Just choose desired component variant and desired package manager, copy cli command to your terminal and you're good to go. If there is no shadcn cli command on the component page you'll have to install the component manually.

CSS Variables components are hosted on, and utility class components are hosted on

For example you want to install button component, if you choose css variables variant url will look like this:, and for utility class variant it will look like this:

Install manually

In this docs below each component's name you'll have the shadcn docs link for that component.

e.g. You want to install shadcn button component. You'll navigate to button page, click on the shadcn docs link and install the button component like it's shown in the docs.

After you're done you'll come back to neobrutalism button page, and copy button component to your project inside components/ui/button.tsx (this is the default component path) or your custom component path.

Keep in mind that neobrutalism components can have different variants than default shadcn components.

Other components

If the shadcn docs link is not present on the component's page, just copy the component and read the instructions if there are any.

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